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Tax-Exempt Bank Loans for Nonprofits...Post-ARRA

First published in Stanislawski & Harrison, CPAs, e-newsletter Summer 2011

By Dan Bronfman, Growth Capital Associates, Inc.

The bank-qualified, tax-exempt loan (“BQ Loan”) program created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (“ARRA”) caused quite a stir in the nonprofit community before it expired on December 31, 2010 ... (read more)

Tax-exempt bonds alternative way to finance

North Bay Business Journal published March 28, 2011

Dan Bronfman quoted on tax-exempt financings, “This kind of financing was put together to promote investing on the manufacturing sector ..” (read the entire article)

For Entrepreneurs, This Bond May Beat a Loan

Bloomberg Businessweek published August 7, 2009

Dan Bronfman quoted on the benefits of tax-exempt financings. (read the entire article)

Ins & Outs of Tax-Exempt “Friends & Family Bonds”

First published in Stanislawski & Harrison, CPAs, e-newsletter October 2011

By Dan Bronfman, Growth Capital Associates, Inc.

Nonprofit organizations face a dizzying array of tax-exempt financing options to fund their capital projects. In the clamor one funding option is often overlooked; tax-exempt bonds that are sold to trustees, founders and/or supporters of nonprofit organizations…commonly referred to as “Friends & Family Bonds.” ... (read more)

ARRA Creates New Tax-Exempt Funding Option for Nonprofits
First published in Stanislawski & Harrison, CPAs, e-newsletter June 2010
By Dan Bronfman, Growth Capital Associates, Inc.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) creates the Bank-Qualified, Tax-Exempt Loan program for nonprofit organizations.  (read the entire article)http://www.yahoo.com/http://snhcpa.webs.com/articles/tax_exempt_funding_option.htmlshapeimage_9_link_0